The purpose of the State of the Park Report 2020 is to give an indication of trends in relation to 23 indicators within Management Plan themes. The data will be monitored and updated every 2/3 years.
The report can be found here.
The purpose of the State of the Park Report is to give an indication of trends in relation to:
- the Park’s special qualities, environment and cultural assets
- how well public enjoyment of these is being provided for, and
- the well-being of the local community.
The State of the Park Report contains 23 indicators on a variety of topics. It is a really useful source of headline data.
If you are looking for facts on the following subjects:-
- Conservation and Enhancement
Broadleaved tree cover; traditional field boundaries; geological SSSIs; park management; bats; breeding farmland birds; scheduled ancient monuments; listed buildings; cultural events.
- Promoting understanding
Awareness of the National Park; visitors accessing NPA’s services; education services; visitor satisfaction; public rights of way; visitor accommodation.
- Vibrant sustainable communities
Economic activity; employment by type of industry; tourism spend; population profile; farms and farmers; community meeting places; traffic; bus routes and service frequency.
The document also contains useful information on:-
- The administrative boundaries affecting the National Park
- Introductory facts and figures
- Land ownership