Webcasting Questionnaire

We are seeking comments from users of our webcast service – Please complete this short survey which will help us to plan the service in future.

How often do you view webcasts from the Authority and its committees?
Do you view the meetings:
What is your main reason for viewing webcasts?
If webcasting were not available would you travel in person to the Authority meetings?
How easy do you find it to use the webcasting site, and find what you wish to view?
Do you also view the agenda and papers while you are viewing the webcast?
Have you ever accessed the webcast after the meeting from agenda links on our website? Was this helpful?
Is there anything that would improve your viewing experience?
Would you use an option to interact with the webcasting site to share comments during the webcast meeting with other viewers and/or officers of the Authority via social media?
Do you ever forward links or share information with others after viewing a webcast?
Has webcasting improved your understanding of what the Authority does?
If you would like us to contact you about anything you’ve raised in this survey please leave your email address.
We will only use it to answer these specific points unless you indicate that you would like to receive other related information about the Authority’s governance and decision making process by ticking this box
You can ask us to remove your details at any time by emailing communications@beacons-npa.gov.uk
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