Application Tips and Advice

  • Research both the job and the company.
  • Read the application instructions thoroughly and follow them through.
  • Complete all the relevant sections – name, address, education & training, employment history, details of referees (always ensure are aware that you have used their details), etc.
  • It is essential that you address the ‘Personal Specification’ which will be located in the Job Pack. To be short-listed you must demonstrate how you satisfy the ‘essential’ criteria. Read the job ad in-depth and made sure that you’re clear about what skills are needed.
  • Do not submit an application form which contains may alterations/crossing out and Check any spellings of which you are unsure and ideally take a copy of the application form so you can make a rough copy before completing the original application form.
  • Checked and double-checked how the finished document looks.
  • Do not include any information which is not correct – if you are appointed it is a serious matter if you have deliberately included false information on your application form.
  • The application form must be signed and dated.
  • Send it to the address on the application form.
  • Use the same application form for every post – you need to make sure that your application ‘fits’ the post for which you are applying – this might mean just making small changes, but this could make all the difference!

Interview Tips

  • Before the day make sure you know exactly where the interview is being held.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the interview (at least 20 minutes) – this will give you time to relax and prepare.
  • Learn as much as possible about the organization and the post for which you have applied for. Try to anticipate some of the questions and prepare appropriate answers for these.
  • Think positively – you get an interview only if it looks from your application form as though you can do the job – think of all the reasons you should get the job.
  • Practice before the interview, practice talking out loud about yourself and your achievements
  • Always tell the truth.
  • Prepare a statement about yourself that you can use if you are given the opportunity – your strengths, what you can bring to the role, your career aspirations, etc.
  • Look the interviewer in the eye – and remember to smile!
  • Make sure you give the very best information about yourself.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat a question or ask the interviewer to explain. a question, if you have not fully understood the question.
  • Don’t rush your answers to questions, think about what you are going to say before responding.
  • Don’t dress too casually – an interview is a formal event.
  • Don’t lie at interview – it is a serious matter if you are appointed and it is later proved you lied during the interview.
  • Don’t leave the interview without finding out what happens next – how you will be told of the outcome.