Trees and hedgerows

Practically every tree or hedgerow in the National Park could be of importance either to the wildlife or landscape of the Park. The planning applicant might need to commission an ecological survey by a suitably qualified and licensed ecologist to survey for bats, dormice or other protected species. If either trees or hedgerows must be removed it may be necessary to obtain appropriate licences and replant or otherwise replace the habitat that has been lost.

Carrying out works to, including the felling of trees, does not in itself require planning permission.  However, trees are an important consideration in the planning process.

Trees are protected in a number of ways if works are planned that may affect them and various consents may be required including:

  • Tree Preservation Orders and Trees in Conservation Areas
  • Felling Licences and the Forestry Commission
  • Statutory conservation designations
  • Other legislation
    • Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) – particularly protection of nesting birds and/or roosting bats.
    • Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act
    • Habitats Directive/Regulations – bats are also protected by European law


Use the navigation bar on the left to find out more details on particular aspects of tree and hedgerow protection.